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Portuguese Rub Jonathan's Spices

Sprinkle over roasted meats, fish or vegetable dishes to add extra flavour.

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PORTR Portuguese rub jonathan's spices -

Harissa Paste Jonathan's Spices

Harissa is a Maghrebian hot chili pepper paste whose main ingredients are roasted red peppers, serrano peppers and other hot chili peppers and spices and herbs such as garlic paste, coriander seed, or caraway as well as some vegetable or olive oil for preservation. Closely associated with Tunisa, recipes for harissa vary according to the household and region.

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HARISSA Harissa paste jonathan's spices -

Harissa Paste Jonathan's Spices

Harissa is a Tunisian hot chili pepper paste made from roasted red peppers, serrano peppers and other hot chili peppers and spices and herbs such as garlic paste, coriander seed, or caraway and oil.

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JPSP Harissa paste jonathan's spices -

Dukkah Mix Jonathan's Spices

Dukkah is an Egyptian speciality blend of roasted nuts seasoned with spices. Dukkah can be used as a dip with olive oil and breads or as a coating for fish, chicken or red meats.

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DUKMIX60 Dukkah mix jonathan's spices -

Sauce Thai Lime And Chilli Jonathan's Spices

A great tangy sauce that can be used as a dipping sauce.

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SAUCECH Sauce thai lime and chilli jonathan's spices -

Dukkah Jonathan's Spices

Jonathon Spices Dukkah is a delicious blend of roasted nuts, seasoned with spices. Dukkah is an Egyptian spice mixture traditionally served as a dip. For a delicious appetiser take some pieces of your favourite crusty bread dip into a fine olive oil followed by the dukkah mixture. Dukkah also tastes great used as a coating for meat, fish or chicken. Gluten Free.

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JSDUKKAH Dukkah jonathan's spices -

Southwestern Seasoning Jonathan's Spices

This dry seasoning mix can be sprinkled over meats before roasting or added to grilled vegetables.

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SEASW Southwestern seasoning jonathan's spices -