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Flour Self Raising Champion

A self-raising flour blended from baker's flour, sodium bicarbonate and food grade acid phosphates for easy, convenient use.

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FLOURSR25 Flour self raising champion -

Flour Bakers Sunfield

Flour is a powder that is made by grinding cereal grains, beans or other roots or seeds. Bakers' flour is milled form a blend of wheat's to give consistency in baking. Ideal for a wide range of yeast and pastry products.

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FLOURP Flour bakers sunfield -

Flour Plex Champion

A general purpose flour that is versatile and can be used for most baking applications.

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FLOURP20 Flour plex champion -

Flour Epic Standard Bakers

This Champion branded flour is a general purpose white bakers flour. The flour is made by milling a selected blend of medium protein, semi hard/hard Australian wheat to give uniformity in baking.

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FLOURE20 Flour epic standard bakers -

Flour Rye 1150 Schapfenmuhle

Used in tradtional rye breads.

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FLOURRYE1 Flour rye dark premium european -

Flour Gluten Free Horleys

For general use as a gluten free flour replacement.

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GFFLOUR Flour gluten free horleys -

Flour Strong Westons Victory

Flour is a powder that is made by grinding cereal grains, beans or other roots or seeds. Strong flour is milled from a blended from hard wheat grist. It is suitable for the production for bread, pie tops, pizza, puff pastry, croissants and more.

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FLOURV20 Flour strong westons victory -

Flour Wholemeal Champion

A 100% wholemeal flour which is milled from sound hard and semi-hard Australian wheat. The flour has a medium/high protein level (11% max) and is of good bread baking quality.

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FLOURWC20 Flour wholemeal champion -

Flour Semolina Fine White Ascot

Semolina is made during the milling process from the endosperm of the wheat. Used in making pasta , cereals puddings and couscous. For baking add a little to the dough to help give a tasty crust.

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FLOURDURSEM1 Flour semolina fine white -
SEMASCOT Flour semolina fine white ascot -

Prepared Mix Flour For Pancakes

Used to make Vietnamese Pancakes. Simply add water or Coconut Milk, Tumeric and Shallots. Pour pancake mixture over your choice of prawns, pork, onions, bean sprouts and peas and cook. Made in Vietnam.

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FLOURPM Prepared mix flour for pancakes -

Glutinous Flour Cooked

The alternative way to coat Mochi is to use cooked glutinous rice flour.

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FLOURGLUC400 Glutinous flour cooked -

Flour Pastry Snowflake

The word flour is originally a variant of the word flower. Both are derived from the old French fleur, meaning blossom and figuratively meaning the finest. Flour is a powder that is made by grinding cereal grains, beans or other roots or seeds. Snowflake pastry flour has a finer particle size and a much whiter colour than standard flour. Ideal for a wide range of flaky and butter pastry products where appearance and whiteness is important.

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FLOURPS Flour pastry snowflake -

Flour Wholemeal Harvest

Flour is a powder that is made by grinding cereal grains, beans or other roots or seeds. Wholemeal flour is made by grinding the whole entire wheat berry including the bran. Suitable for breads, rolls, shortbread, cakes and biscuits.

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FLOURWM Flour wholemeal harvest -

Cornflour Maize (Avon Starch)

Technically corn starch. Made from corn maize . Use as a thickening agent for liquid based foods. Preferred over flours as starch is semi transparent vs opaque for flours.

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FLOURCM25 Cornflour maize (avon starch) -
FLOURCM3 Maize cornflour -

Flour For Wet Rice Paper

Suitable for making rice paper.

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FLOURWRP Flour for wet rice paper -

Flour Stoneground Wholemeal

A wholemeal flour made by stone milling of whole grains. Stoneground flour is popular due to the way it is milled being more natural in comparison to product out of industrial mills.

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FLOURSW Flour stoneground wholemeal -

Flour Gluten Wheat

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FLOURWG25 Flour gluten wheat -

Flour Oat Harraways

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FLOURO20 Flour oat harraways -